Monday, July 6, 2009

Work and Home

Today we moved into our host family's residence. It has been quite the experience. It is a family of 7, with the addition of a housekeeper who makes 8, plus us two which makes 10. The unit is very small and not very well off. We use buckets of water to shower and all food we eat must be prepared first by starting a fire under a large pan. There is an entire backyard full of junk and storage. Stray dogs and goats wander around next to the compound. Needless to say Kevin and I are happy with our home stay. Hell, we're better off here than we were in our junior year apartment. And you all probably think that is an exaggeration....
Despite being the only white people in our village, Kevin and I feel very comfortable. The villagers greet us warmly, often saying "hello" and once saying "wasszzzup." Although they stare at us like we are aliens from space, they welcome our presence, and we feel safe. I feel genuinely safer here than I do in Rogers Park. The Kenyan people are wonderful.
I will update my trip to the hospital in the coming day or so. My lack of available shillings is cutting this post short.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I love your blog! Can't wait to see the pictures. Jealous you got to ride a camel. Your cab ride sounds like rush hour on the el. Glad you're feeling safer than in Roger's Park. Love you!

  3. When you say you live in a village, how many people are in the village? Can't wait to read more. Stay safe!

  4. Your living situation sounds a bit "rustic" but friendly! Will be eager to hear about your first day at the hospital!

  5. Goats... I'm jealous
