Thursday, July 16, 2009

Panama, Fresh Rabbit, and a Sick Goat

Today I had the privilege to visit Kevin's school and teach the children. I have never taught anything to anybody in my life before, so it was definitely a unique experience for me. Since Kevin knows nothing about U.S history, I started off with a general overview of it. I often quizzed the children throughout my lecture. Some thought Panama was a U.S state, others shouted Texas for every other answer they gave, even if shouting Texas made no sense at all. We briefly went over the Civil War, both world wars, Lincoln, and basic U.S geography. The kids wrote everything down meticulously, as we stressed the importance of knowing this information later on.

We broke the class into 3 teams and made them give each of themselves names. One team was "The Tigers." Another was "The Lions." The third was named "The Chameleons." Kevin and I formed our own team too. If all 3 of their teams missed the answer Kevin and I would receive 5 points. Did I say Kevin and I? I meant "The Super Giraffes."

Teams competed for points, having to answer anything from "Name at least 1 thing Americans put on their hot dogs" to U.S history and geography. For our U.S culture question, we made each team bring up a member who could sing an American song. We heard one song we had never heard before and still don't know. We heard Amazing Grace. The last kid threw a curve ball at us and belted out "Sweet Home Alabama." We have that on tape.

For the final round we asked each team to perform a song and dance for us and both Kevin and I, along with the other teachers would judge them based on their performances. All three performed wonderfully, and we have all three of their acts on tape. The Tigers ended up taking the cake. I have never seen kids so happy to win something in my life!

After school Kevin and I went with one of the teachers to his farm. It was absolutely gorgeous. His farm is atop a high hill and is filled with coffee, avocado, mango and guava trees. He has many goats, cows, roosters, and rabbits! In fact, he slaughtered a cute rabbit the night before and we ate it for lunch! It was so fresh tasting. After lunch he served us tea made with fresh cow's milk and fresh ground soybeans. That too tasted so fresh. The entire experience was really special. Later on we toured the farm and walked back to town.

Many people here are constantly asking Kevin and I for some kind of financial assistance. It is simply impossible to provide assistance for everybody's needs. I am focusing 100% of my efforts on the health center, as I know that this will be the most effective way to help the most amount of people. If Kevin and I helped everybody here, this is what we would have to do....

1. Pay for Janet's son's secondary school.

2. Buy flights to America for Janet's sister, Dr. Jarred, Chris, Alex and the nursing staff.

3. Let Janet's sister, Dr. Jarred, Chris, Alex and the nursing staff stay at our homes as they apply to training programs and find jobs. This would be one heck of a reality show. Tom and Kev + 8,000.

4. Purchase an anti-hemmoroidal injection for Kimani's ill goat.

Now, as we understand it, the injection is quite cheap, so Kevin might actually be able to buy this for Kimani's goat. The poor thing can hardly walk.

We are now off to see a local artist who is making a picture of my grandfather out of banana fibers he finds around town. I gave him a picture of my grandfather in Kenya during the 40's - petting a leopard. He is going to make an exact replica of it out of these fibers! I am now off to see his progress.

Thanks again for reading my blog! I cannot wait to post pictures and videos. I will do so when I return to the states. Right now these are all words to you, yet I hope it is conjuring up some sort of image as well. The pictures are out of this world, so stay tuned!



  1. Hilarious! I had to read it twice. I bet those kids will never forget that lecture... What do americans put on hot dogs? Glad you got right to the point of america.

  2. Super Giraffes? Is that a way to make you feel taller Tommy? J/K! I have never thought you were short, honest!

  3. Have a good weekend. Can't wait to read more adventures from Africa. Be safe (and keep drinking water.)

  4. Give the goat a shot for heaven's sake! lol!
    Sounds like you are having such wonderful (and sometimes scary) experiences. Can't wait to see the pix. Enjoy your time relaxing! Rick wants to know if you heard about Michael Jackson - lol!
